2024 Schedule of Fees and Charges

At St Edmund’s College, all families are required to commit to the payment of College fees.

The College sets fees annually and endeavours to ensure that fees remain affordable and represent excellent value for money as an investment in your son’s future.

Compulsory Tuition Fees and Levies
Fees/Levies Per Term Per Annum
Tuition Fee (per student)
Information Technology Levy (per student)
Prepared Meals - Camps and Retreats (per student)
Building Levy (per family)
Parents & Friends Levy (per family)

The College Fee is comprehensive and encompasses all aspects of mandatory school activities including:

  • All academic and subject costs (including subject camps and excursions)
  • Year level camps and retreats
  • All Co-Curricular sport and cultural activities (excluding tours and camps)
  • Transit to and from most Co-Curricular sporting activities
  • Pastoral support and counselling
  • Technology costs (including the provision of College laptops)
  • Textbooks and other resources
  • Music tuition during Years 7 to 9

Optional Levy
Levy Per Term Per Annum
Edmund Rice Foundation Levy
Note: All listed fees are not deductible for tax purposes.
Sibling Discount
  • Two brothers attending at the same time – discount of 10% for 2nd son*
  • Three brothers attending at the same time –discount of 10% for 2nd son & 20% for the 3rd son*
  • Four brothers attending at the same time – discount of 10% for the 2nd son, 20% for the 3rd son & 30% for the 4th son*

* To be eligible for a sibling discount, a student must be the second or subsequent child attending the College concurrently on the same parent account. The discount applies on the Tuition Fee component only.

Upfront Annual Payment Discount
  • A 5% discount will apply if annual fee payment is paid upfront in full by 9 February 2024

Note: The discount applies on the Tuition Fee component only. Payments in advance are non-refundable while the student remains enrolled at the College.

Payment Options

Flexible payment options include:

  • Direct Debit authority (preferred)
  • BPay
  • Online payment through Parent Lounge
  • Credit Card (Mastercard or Visa)
  • Cash
  • Cheque

Tuition Fee Ready Reckoner

The following table indicates the amount of Tuition Fees, Compulsory and Optional Levies payable for students in 2024 (Inclusive of sibling discounts, if applicable):

No. of Students Year Level Annual (x1) Term (x4) Monthly (x10) Fortnightly (x20) Weekly (x40)
Years 7 to 12
Years 7 to 12
Years 7 to 12
Fee Collection

The enrolment contract is a legally binding contract and the signatories to the contract are joint and severally liable for the payment of College fees. It is essential for the effective operation of the College that all fee accounts are paid on time. Fee accounts for tuition fees & levies will be sent out prior to the commencement of each new term and are due for full payment within 14 days of being issued.

In the event your fee account is not paid by the due date, the College will follow up all overdue fee accounts. Failure to pay the balance owing on your account, to respond to reminder notices, or to contact the College will result in your account being pursued via debt collection processes or through legal recourse. Any debt collection costs associated with the recovery of outstanding fees will be charged to your fee account.

Special Concessions

The College is supportive of families experiencing extreme and unforeseen financial hardship during the course of their son’s enrolment and an application for a special concession can be made for a maximum period of 12 months. Any consideration for a further 12 month period will require a new application to be made. Concession applications will be reviewed by the College and approved by the Principal using a compassionate and just approach as outlined under the Edmund Rice Charter.

Notice of Withdrawal

Parents are required to provide written notice to the Principal of a student’s withdrawal from the College via College Enrolments - enrolments@sec.qld.edu.au. All outstanding fees must be paid at the time of the student’s departure.

Goods and Services Tax

The College is required to comply with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) legislation. GST may be charged to fee accounts for the GST component of any taxable activities or goods provided during the school year.

Direct Debit Form 

Click here to download