Transition to Secondary Education

The transition from Primary to Secondary school is a significant development milestone for students as it coincides with the transition from childhood to adolescence. This period of students’ lives can be turbulent as they adjust to changes in their personal, social, and educational environments.

At St Edmund’s College, we have developed a program known as Eddies’ Rookies that supports students transitioning into Year 7.

The Eddies’ Rookies program is for students in Year 6 who are enrolled for the following year. The aim is to have students experience elements of College life before they commence at St Edmund’s. They will be involved in programs and activities designed to introduce and prepare students and their families for their transition to secondary school. The more prepared students and their families are for the move, the more successful the transition will likely be.

The Eddies’ Rookies program is held each term on a Friday afternoon at the College. While the boys enjoy activities, parent information sessions will also run, allowing parents to meet College Staff and learn more about their son’s journey at St Edmund’s.

New families are also encouraged to start to get involved with the St Edmund’s community by attending our community events, such as the Foundation Dinner, The College Race Day, Performing Arts evenings, Sporting Events and the College Musical.

Eddie’s Rookies helps students feel ready for secondary school by providing them with ample opportunity to become familiar with the expectations, experience, and environment of secondary school, which will minimise the unknown and can help students feel prepared.

As our motto says: POSSUNT QUIA POSSE VIDENTUR: “They can because they see they can.” At St Edmund’s College, we hope that all students feel welcome and that our new families enjoy being a part of the Eddie’s community.